Ribbon Cutting Information
A Special Celebration of Your Business
The Peabody Area Chamber of Commerce is always eager to welcome a new business to our organization and help introduce you to the community or celebrate the expansion of existing business. A ribbon-cutting event is a time to showcase what your business has to offer!
Your business must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Member of the Peabody Area Chamber of Commerce
- Opened its doors in the last 12 months
- Changed ownership or under new management
- Moved to a new location
- Has been remodeled or expanded at its present location
From our experience, you can expect anywhere from 5 to 50 people in attendance. This depends on a number of factors, the most essential being the promotional efforts to invite your contacts to your special event.
The Chamber's Role
- List your Event on the Chamber Website Calendar
- Announce your Event in PACC Email Blasts
- Announce the Event on the Chamber's Social Media pages
- Invite: Elected Officials, Chamber Board of Directors, Ambassador Committee, Chamber Staff, and Media Contacts
- Provide Ribbon, Large Ceremonial Scissors and Conduct the Event
- Post pictures on Social Media after event

New Member Businesses
- Work with chamber staff to select a date & time 4 weeks in advance
- Invite: Customers and Prospect, Friends & Family, Neighboring Businesses
- Offer a free gift, drawing, or giveaway
- Put out balloons & sign
- Offer light food and beverage to your guests. If it is a morning event, coffee and pastry, or for an afternoon event plan on soft drinks, cheese & crackers and/or one or two light appetizers.
We strongly encourage you to utilize the services of another member of the Peabody Area Chamber of Commerce who would be more than happy to work with you on related food or service. To see a full list of restaurants, caterers, and bar service personnel, click here.
To make the most of this special celebration, assure the availability of elected officials and/or Chamber staff, and avoid conflicts with other Chamber programs or functions, please schedule your event with the Chamber as early as possible. Remember, the earlier you contact us, the better.